Not much to write about today........ same stuff different day, really. Casie's improving in multiplication. We worked on a multiplication cross reference chart yesterday and I showed her all the tricks to recall the 9's table. She thought that was pretty cool. She is writing a story right now about a cat and mouse who live in the same house. It's a really good story and when she finishes it we are going to "Publish" it and make copies to send out to the family. She loves writing stories and I could very well have a little author on my hands. I am so proud of her!
D'arrica is still working on the Alphabet. She has mastered the letters (recognizes, knows sound and writes) from A-J plus O and Z. Yesterday, I shuffled up the letters she knows and had her put them in Alphabetical order. She did it perfectly up to the G and then needed help. I am so proud of her too!
Shelby brought home her progress reports yesterday and is making all A's and B's. Report cards come out next week. She also informed me yesterday that she wants to play Powder Puff Football. Oh Lord, help me. Ha Ha!
I've still been playing with my software and have created more blinkies and animiations. Enjoy! :)

D'arrica is still working on the Alphabet. She has mastered the letters (recognizes, knows sound and writes) from A-J plus O and Z. Yesterday, I shuffled up the letters she knows and had her put them in Alphabetical order. She did it perfectly up to the G and then needed help. I am so proud of her too!
Shelby brought home her progress reports yesterday and is making all A's and B's. Report cards come out next week. She also informed me yesterday that she wants to play Powder Puff Football. Oh Lord, help me. Ha Ha!
I've still been playing with my software and have created more blinkies and animiations. Enjoy! :)

Wow Im impressed with Shelbys grades. Keep up the good work. I stoll some of the pics and saved them on my computer. I love reading your blog but I always for get the address. Keep sending it via e-mail periodicaly or put it on your my space some how. Go Shelby with your bad self playing foot ball :)
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