Finally, Survivor Heats Up!!
Survivor was so good last night! The season had a slow start and was really just downright boring until LAST NIGHT!! I loved the tribe switch. I especially love the way they did it this year with the 4 "most deserving" tribe members away on their reward picnic only to come back to a new tribe waiting for them!
I have, since the beginning, been intrigued by Gary's strategy of hiding his Pro Football Career. I think it's a stupid strategy. It may be working for now but if he gets further along in the game, there is no way Danni will be as nice and quiet about his little lie. You could tell by her mannerisms that she KNEW it was him and that he was lying. Ha!
Judd is a DORK! Alpha Male? More like PeaBrain Backstabbing Trader! (Ok, I have issues with this guy.) What is his strategy? Doesn't he know that he will be the least on the totem pole with this new tribe he's teamed up with? What a dumb move. It does make for very interesting Survivor though! LOL : )
I have new cat pictures to share. :)

I have, since the beginning, been intrigued by Gary's strategy of hiding his Pro Football Career. I think it's a stupid strategy. It may be working for now but if he gets further along in the game, there is no way Danni will be as nice and quiet about his little lie. You could tell by her mannerisms that she KNEW it was him and that he was lying. Ha!
Judd is a DORK! Alpha Male? More like PeaBrain Backstabbing Trader! (Ok, I have issues with this guy.) What is his strategy? Doesn't he know that he will be the least on the totem pole with this new tribe he's teamed up with? What a dumb move. It does make for very interesting Survivor though! LOL : )
I have new cat pictures to share. :)

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