Thursday, January 26, 2006

I miss this....

I miss this blog! Myspace is really cool but almost too much fun! LOL I take so much time messing with the pictures and backgrounds and stuff that I don't take much time to blog. I'll be blogging here afterall! I'll still be using myspace as well though.

Guess what! I figured out how to display movies of the girls on my website using myspace as a host!

Click Here!

Friday, January 20, 2006

New Blog

After much thought I have decided to change blogs. I will leave this one here because I can't bare to delete all the past archives. But my new blog is at

Come on over and subscribe to my blog! Start your own myspace page while you're at it. It's easy and fun!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

The downside of digital....

I had some really cute pictures of my cats "fishing" and I was so exciting about sharing them. I also had some really cute ones of D'arrica. Anyway, Darrick thought I had already downloaded them and deleted them off the camera. Waaahhhahhhahhahhah!!!

Anyway, I do have some good ones of Casie and D'arrica from this weekend that I can share. It was really beautiful here again so we played outside and mom took pictures.

Friday, January 13, 2006

It's been a crazy week.

It's been CaRazy at our house week!! I have a million things going on with my website, I'm considering quitting Melaleuca because I just can't keep up, Casie has hit me with a million "personal female" questions, D'arrica is getting a mind of her own, Shelby is grounded and harrasing me about it and my cats are just nutzo.

It started the other morning when my cats were running around the house sounding like horses. They are NOT little kittens anymore and when they run around the house hunting eachother and wrestling you would think there were horses running through the house. And I swear they try to climb the walls. Literally. Then I walk in my kitchen and Jazz is chilling out taking a nap in my TRASHCAN!! Look at his face! He's thinking "How dare you disturb my cat nap with that flashing box!" What the........???

Then came Casie asking me questions like, "Why do girls wear see through shirts and shirts that show some of their boobs?" Um........ ok. So, I explained to her that some girls think they can get "attention" from people that way but it's very bad attention. Then she starts asking me about periods,pimples and boobs! Perhaps it's time to whip out the "The care and keeping of me" book for sure!

Then D'arrica decides that her hair can only be so-so now. I tried putting her hair in a cute side ponytail and she had a fit! "I don't like it!" "Nobody will like it!" "It's feels funny!" Argh! It was really cute too...... even if it was a little 80's!

And Shelby......... she's still grounded. Not going anywhere. I'm firm. But she's making crazy trying.

Monday, January 09, 2006

I've updated my profile at and would love you to come visit! You should join and add me as a friend!
Click here!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

I feel like a "real" teacher!

I am so excited about this and just had to share! Ok, so let me just say before I tell you my story that I have no shame in this and it is NOT above me to take things for FREE! Hello? FREE! LOL
One of our neigbors was moving and set out a very nice nearly new desk with a big FREE sign on it and Darrick and I went and snatched it up!

I was so excited to get all the homeschool supplies organized in it and sit there this morning while homeschooling Casie. LOL I'm such a dork! But I love it!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Old photos.....

I was looking through old cd's of pictures and thought it would be fun to share some. These are all from the May-Aug. of 2002 so Shelby was 9, Casie was 6 and D'arrica was 6-9 months.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Science Project

In Science, Casie and I are studying Matter. You know - solids, liquids and gases. Our book showed ice as an example which made it very clear to us but we thought it would be fun to do the experiment ourselves. I think it helps Casie to make sense of things when she can do hands on experiments. Anyway, we are documenting the experiment here for all to see.

Ice is a solid. The particles are tightly bound in a tight pattern and don't move much.

As it melts it becomes a liquid. The particles become loser and flexible, moving past eachother easily.

When you heat it up (slowly in nature or quickly in mom's skillet) it becomes steam which is a gas. The particles are now very refined and jump about rapidly.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

It's a new year and already I'm tired!

This Christmas vacation really screwed me up. I am ALWAYS up at 6AM getting Shelby up and ready for school and then I wake up Casie and start homeschooling. Well......... since Shelby took Christmas vacation, Homeschool took Christmas vacation as well. Only fair, right? Well, the girls and I lost our minds for nearly 2 weeks staying up late, playing games and watching movies until wee hours of the morning (seriously... 1, 2, and even 3am) and then slept in all morning until Noon. Even D'arrica was hanging with us and sleeping later than me! Darrick had a few days off and slept in too. It was really nice! And who knew that when a family can totally relax, hang out and sleep till noon they get along sooooooooo well!! Now I see why some families take so many vacations. It was really really nice.

Anyway, it was time to get back on track and the girls were sent to bed at thier usual bedtime last night - 9:30 and, of course, none of them could sleep. I heard Casie up using the bathroom for the 5th time at around 2am and although I tried to make myself go to bed at 11:00, I flopped around until at least 3:30am begging for sleep. The alarm went off at 6am this morning and I thought I was going to cry. Darrick was literally pushing me out of the bed, "You gettin' up, babe? Please don't hit snooze all morning." Argh!

I swear, I downed a pot of coffee in about 25 minutes. If I'd had an IV I would've inserted it. LOL And still, I was a crabby teacher this morning. And Casie was a crabby student. D'arrica swears she forgot everything I've taught her and went back to bed. Sigh. We'll get back into the swing of things this week but this morning really sucked. I want another vacation. LOL

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

I took the girls and our neighbor's boys to the park today! It was 64 degrees here today and I was not spending such a beautiful day in the house........ even if my bathrooms did need to be cleaned!

Who thought D'arrica would learn to swing on the big girl swings in the middle of winter? Well, she did! She was pumping those little legs back and forth learning to swing herself. She did it and we couldn't have been prouder! By the time our little park adventure was about over I, of course, made the girls pose on the rock for me to get this amazing January 1st "spring" photo! It was crazy I tell you.... C.R.A.Z.Y!! You can see the rest of the park pictures here! Enjoy!

Oh no she didn't!

Originally uploaded by chana_peppers.


Originally uploaded by chana_peppers.
Shelby assisting D'arrica down the slide although I'm sure she can do it alone. Shelby's just as overprotective as me. What's wrong with her? LOL