Monday, November 14, 2005

That's It! I'm going on a diet!

Ugh! I saw a picture of me today and am just overwhelmed by how much weight I've gained in the last year. I quit smoking exactly one year ago this month (WOOHOO!!) and in the meantime have gained about 10-15 pounds. The Summer of 2002 I went on the Atkins diet weighing 148 lbs. and ended up at 128 lbs. I felt great, looked great and was so proud of myself. So, I've decided to start Atkins again and TRY to make it a Way Of Life and not go off of it when I've reached my goal weight this time. I am again at 148 lbs. so I am going to try to get down to 130. Last time I did it in 2 months. I lost about 10 lbs. a month. I know that sounds fast but after that I can just work on maitaining it. And for those who freak out over a "low carb" diet........... I eat TONS of vegetables, whole grains and fruits with this diet. These are good carbs.

So, don't be surprised to find me using this blog as my Atkins Accountability journal as well as all the other stuff I bore you with here. :)

Today so far I have eaten:
Breakfast -- Yogurt w/Granola, 2 cups of coffee
Lunch -- Iceburg Salad w/bacon bits, cheese, carrots and Ranch Dressing.

For a snack-- I'll have a boiled egg and more carrots.
For Dinner -- I'm cooking Sloppy Joes and French Fries for the family so I'll be eating the meat sprinkled with cheese (with no bun) and a salad instead of the fries.

Also, with the Low Carb diets it's extremely important to drink a lot of water. ( I guess this is true of any diet or any healthy way of living. ) The rule of thumb for water is to drink half your weight in ounces. So, I need to drink 74 oz. of water. I'm halfway through my 1st 16 oz. cup of water. This has always been the hardest part for me. I don't really like water and I have a small bladder anyway. LOL

Monday, November 07, 2005

Skater Girls

Hayley spent the night with us this weekend and the girls really enjoyed themselves. Shelby and Hayley have become little Skater Girls and it was fun to watch them learning new tricks on the skateboard. They also had fun on the little trampoline. LOL Here's some pics! Enjoy! : )

Friday, November 04, 2005

Hayley is here

We have teacher conferences at school today so Shelby is home and Hayley is here with us today! Yay! D'arrica still demanded we do homeschooling though so she worked in her workbook on the letters W, X and Y. She's pretty much done with learning the letters now because she already knows Z. She's still having a hard time remembering her shapes for some reason so that will be our next focus. She knows Circle, Star and Diamond but gets confused with triangle, square and rectangle. She calls a square a box and a rectangle a door. LOL

Pictures! : )