It's been a crazy week.

It's been CaRazy at our house week!! I have a million things going on with my website, I'm considering quitting Melaleuca because I just can't keep up, Casie has hit me with a million "personal female" questions, D'arrica is getting a mind of her own, Shelby is grounded and harrasing me about it and my cats are just nutzo.
It started the other morning when my cats were running around the house sounding like horses. They are NOT little kittens anymore and when they run around the house hunting eachother and wrestling you would think there were horses running through the house. And I swear they try to climb the walls. Literally. Then I walk in my kitchen and Jazz is chilling out taking a nap in my TRASHCAN!! Look at his face! He's thinking "How dare you disturb my cat nap with that flashing box!" What the........???
Then came Casie asking me questions like, "Why do girls wear see through shirts and shirts that show some of their boobs?" Um........ ok. So, I explained to her that some girls think they can get "attention" from people that way but it's very bad attention. Then she starts asking me about periods,pimples and boobs! Perhaps it's time to whip out the "The care and keeping of me" book for sure!
Then D'arrica decides that her hair can only be so-so now. I tried putting her hair in a cute side ponytail and she had a fit! "I don't like it!" "Nobody will like it!" "It's feels funny!" Argh! It was really cute too...... even if it was a little 80's!
And Shelby......... she's still grounded. Not going anywhere. I'm firm. But she's making crazy trying.
This is a great example of why Im praying for boys. Its much easier to explain testicals than Boobs and periods. But we shall see what we are blessed with. Girls scare me when I think of them getting that old. I was just telling shawndra that mine will be locked in a cabnet untilthere Oh maby 25 or so.
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