Merry Christmas

I've been trying to stay focused on the meaning of Christmas this year.... the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. It's so easy to get caught up in the gift giving, decorations, baking and family. And those things are all wonderful but somehow the truest meaning gets lost in all of that. I thought I was doing well this year reminding the girls that we are celebrating Jesus' Birthday and that that needs to be in the forefront of their minds. I was wondering if they were hearing everything I've been telling and them and so last night I flat out asked D'arrica "Hey, why are we celebrating Christmas?" And she jumped up and down screaming "Because Santa is coming!! Santa is coming!!" LOL The truth is........ that really is what makes the season magical for them. I remember when I was a little girl I LOVED Christmas. It wasn't just about Santa and recieving presents but that everyone always seemed so happy at Christmas time. There was a spirit of happiness and love all around. That is what stands out most in my mind as a child. My mom went to great lengths to make Christmas magical and she did an awesome job! I always new the true meaning but everything else that came along with it was wonderful too! Decorating, singing carols, spending time with family, giving to others and enjoying being blessed by others. I think Jesus knows our hearts and he loves seeing us take this time of year to bless others, spend time with family and just be happy and enjoy the season. We are his children and what's better than seeing your children love and enjoy eachother? Happy Birthday, Jesus!! And Merry Christmas to all!!
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