Finally, an update..........
Ok, so maybe I've been avoiding updating my blog......... for a couple of reasons. First, I've been really busy with homeschooling, with my website and have even been doing some work with Melaleuca again. Second, my diet flew off track about 4 days into it and I'm embarassed to admit it. Waaaaahhhhhh!!!! I have no self control anymore! I made the mistake of telling myself "Oh, it's the Holiday Season and I want to enjoy the food and sweets and treats and so I'll start my diet January 1 as a New Years resolution. Yeah, right!! We all know how long those diets last!! So, I guess I need to really reach down, find some kind of motivation and make the "connection" again to get healthy (and stop eating cookies and icecream). Anyone have any suggestions? LOL
Casie and I have had a great week. We are working on pronouns in L.A. and Classifying in Reading. She just finished her sixth chapter book (Magic Treasure) ,so far, for the year. We have also moved on to Division in Math and she is now dividing 4 digit numbers by a 1 digit number. She has always loved Math but the more difficult it is getting the more frustrated she gets. She's very "intimidated" ( I know that's not really the right word here) by the more complex Math and refuses to try and do it by herself right now. So, we have been spending a LOT of time one on one doing the Math worksheets together. I'm hoping by next week she'll be confident enough to do them herself so we can move on. In Science we have been learning about the Ocean and the Dessert. I've also added a book about The Spirit. She really enjoys it and is learning how to recognize and listen to her Spirit. Fourth grade Social Studies is all about the first explorers. Our curriculum has us doing this for most of the year. She (and I) are getting bored with it and I'm thinking about getting a new Social studies curriculum with more variety.
We did a fun Christmas Craft on Monday. D'arrica and Casie made Christmas necklaces and bracelets. We love them!

Poor D'arrica is being neglected with homeschooling. I have been so focused on Casie that I just haven't been taking the time with her like I was before. She still looks through her ABC flashcards most days and we do coloring and she listens to Casie and I do Science and Social Studies reading. But that's about it right now.
My neighbor, Michelle, missed D'arrica's party this past weekend because she was out of town for Thanksgiving so she came by Tuesday evening with a gift for D'arrica. Oh, she's got D'arrica pegged! Look at this!

The blog update would not be complete without including the cats........ They are getting so big but are definately still kittens. Well, Jada is a little less crazy as the other two now that she's more of a "teenager" but Jazz and Juby are still very hyper active and love to fight. In fact, Jazz (the black and white one) has established himself as "Tomcat". Ya know, the the "Alpha Male". So, Juby (the yellow one) is constantly challenging him and they will fight and Juby gets his skinny little butt kicked every single time. He will end up cowering and running off (usually to cuddle in a human lap) and when he does Jazz will stretch and find a high place to sit and reign as King. LOL

I thought it would be fun to ocassionally share some of my favorite websites. Most of my online time is spent working on my website ( , blogging and emailing but occassionally I enjoy some leisure time. Here are some of my favorite recreational websites. -- This website is a great tool and resource for getting your house in order. It's taught me a lot of management skills around my house. It's probably not much use for most people but was a life saver for me. : ) -- This is a website run by an online friend of mine. She runs a photo contest online (D'arrica is in this one right now) as well but she has a lot of other neat stuff that I like to look at. She also has a blog you can follow. Her girls are dolls! And she is an amazing photographer!
Well, I'm off to check homework and update my website. Adios!
Casie and I have had a great week. We are working on pronouns in L.A. and Classifying in Reading. She just finished her sixth chapter book (Magic Treasure) ,so far, for the year. We have also moved on to Division in Math and she is now dividing 4 digit numbers by a 1 digit number. She has always loved Math but the more difficult it is getting the more frustrated she gets. She's very "intimidated" ( I know that's not really the right word here) by the more complex Math and refuses to try and do it by herself right now. So, we have been spending a LOT of time one on one doing the Math worksheets together. I'm hoping by next week she'll be confident enough to do them herself so we can move on. In Science we have been learning about the Ocean and the Dessert. I've also added a book about The Spirit. She really enjoys it and is learning how to recognize and listen to her Spirit. Fourth grade Social Studies is all about the first explorers. Our curriculum has us doing this for most of the year. She (and I) are getting bored with it and I'm thinking about getting a new Social studies curriculum with more variety.
We did a fun Christmas Craft on Monday. D'arrica and Casie made Christmas necklaces and bracelets. We love them!

Poor D'arrica is being neglected with homeschooling. I have been so focused on Casie that I just haven't been taking the time with her like I was before. She still looks through her ABC flashcards most days and we do coloring and she listens to Casie and I do Science and Social Studies reading. But that's about it right now.
My neighbor, Michelle, missed D'arrica's party this past weekend because she was out of town for Thanksgiving so she came by Tuesday evening with a gift for D'arrica. Oh, she's got D'arrica pegged! Look at this!

The blog update would not be complete without including the cats........ They are getting so big but are definately still kittens. Well, Jada is a little less crazy as the other two now that she's more of a "teenager" but Jazz and Juby are still very hyper active and love to fight. In fact, Jazz (the black and white one) has established himself as "Tomcat". Ya know, the the "Alpha Male". So, Juby (the yellow one) is constantly challenging him and they will fight and Juby gets his skinny little butt kicked every single time. He will end up cowering and running off (usually to cuddle in a human lap) and when he does Jazz will stretch and find a high place to sit and reign as King. LOL

I thought it would be fun to ocassionally share some of my favorite websites. Most of my online time is spent working on my website ( , blogging and emailing but occassionally I enjoy some leisure time. Here are some of my favorite recreational websites. -- This website is a great tool and resource for getting your house in order. It's taught me a lot of management skills around my house. It's probably not much use for most people but was a life saver for me. : ) -- This is a website run by an online friend of mine. She runs a photo contest online (D'arrica is in this one right now) as well but she has a lot of other neat stuff that I like to look at. She also has a blog you can follow. Her girls are dolls! And she is an amazing photographer!
Well, I'm off to check homework and update my website. Adios!
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