Hurricane Ophelia
I was watching the weather channel today and they are covering Surf City, NC. Kendra and Mikey live just inland from there so I called Kendra to check on her and her family. They have not evacuated. She said they were not worried and were just watching a movie. Shortly into the phone call though she said she better go because it was getting worse. Pray for her family, please. I will be.
I think Casie blew up my microwave this morning. She came and got me and said it wasn't working. I noticed a fork laying beside the microwave but she promises that she hadn't put the fork in there. Anyway, the microwave is not working even after throwing the breaker. Argh. I swear we go through 3 microwaves a year! LOL Oh well, no big deal. Besides, how can you be upset with a face like this?
I think Casie blew up my microwave this morning. She came and got me and said it wasn't working. I noticed a fork laying beside the microwave but she promises that she hadn't put the fork in there. Anyway, the microwave is not working even after throwing the breaker. Argh. I swear we go through 3 microwaves a year! LOL Oh well, no big deal. Besides, how can you be upset with a face like this?

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